Sunday, September 16, 2012


A few times a week I cross these tracks in my town and occasionally I will get a perfect view of how far the tracks travel.  My heart jumps when I do catch that perfect glimpse of those far away tracks but I’m not sure why.  Is it wanderlust, adventure, yearning or the road left untraveled? I haven’t quite figured it out. It could just be, Great, you drive, I’ll knit!

My path this week led me to a new E-Book and Project Sheets for Top Down Sweaters. Betsy Kuhn, owner of Elgin Knit Works (my LYS), requested this for her new students.  She wanted her students to be able to keep track of where their increases needed to be placed, which row they needed to be placed on and how many stitches they should have.  These project sheets fit this type of sweater perfectly. I am very excited to release this new product; I know you will all find it to be a very useful tool as well. They’ve already received an A+ from her students.

Needless to say I didn’t get to spend much time knitting.  My socks are still on the needles.  They progressed a little.


Shaw Hill Shrug
Chinook Scarf

I was able to block my Shaw Hill Shrug and my Chinook Scarf.  I think they turned out beautifully.
I can’t wait to wear them.  These were both very fun and easy to knit projects. I highly recommend both of them, if you need a quick gift they're perfect. I of course used my project sheets so knitting them again in similar yarns will be almost measure free knitting. Love That! I still have 3 more items to block and my pile should be complete.

A new adventure is coming my way…  I think (I am still really on the fence) we’ve decided to get a puppy, a German Shepard puppy to be exact.  I am more than a little nervous; I haven’t had a dog since I lived with my parents. I was young, I didn’t have to train, feed, walk or take care of him.  My job was to love and play with him. What am I getting myself into?  Anyway, we have an appointment to go and see the puppies today.  The pups are only 2 weeks old so we won’t be bringing one home.  How do you choose one puppy from a litter especially when they’re only 2 weeks old?  Oh, and you know my children have promised me the world if we could just get a puppy!  You and I both know where that’s headed…   This dog is going to be mine.  I’m sure I’m going to have all kinds of questions for those of you that have dogs but I’ll save those for now.  I would appreciate any advice you have though.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


As I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, I really need to get some socks made.  Last year was the first year I made my aunts socks for Christmas.  I believe they were well received so I’d like to make this a traditional item for them.  This time last year I was done with all three pairs.  To date I only have one pair completed.  I’m partially done with the second pair.  For this pair I am using Patons Kroy Socks on a size 2 needle.  The pattern is by Knitting Pure & Simple called Beginner’s mid-weight socks (242).  Now, I am not a beginner anymore but I think this is one of the best patterns and it is great for self-striping yarn.  I have actually used this pattern so much that if I don’t keep it in the plastic sleeve I’m afraid it will fall apart.

This is another thing I LOVE about After This Row, not only does it help me keep track while I'm knitting my project, I can use the pages for future reference. I kept each of my project sheets that I used while making each of their socks.  Now all I have to do is transfer the notes to my new page!  No re-calculating for their sizes – I’ve already done it!  No re-inventing the wheel! I saved everyone’s project sheet I've made socks for.  It just makes my life so much easier.  

My friend Marjorie said this, “I'm using your sock form to keep track of rows and gauge, so the next time I make these socks (and I can see me making them often) I can rely on rows rather than measurements so they will always be the same.  I really like having an organized method of keeping track of my projects!”  

Check out the yarn Marjorie is using for this pair of socks – so cute.  It looks like watermelon.  Marjorie said she would send me a picture of her completed socks – can’t wait!

Send me pictures of your socks, finished or in progress, and your After This Row project sheet (  I’d love to see them and put them on my blog. 

Happy Knitting!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Thank You!

A heartfelt Thank You to all of my friends who made this Press Release possible.  I couldn't have done it without you.  It's beautiful.

Also, a big thank-you to my fellow knitters for their overwhelming response!  I am overjoyed that you find this tool so helpful.

