Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 1st

Hi Knitting Friends,
First and foremost, please know that my thoughts and prayers go out to all of you who are feeling the devastation of “Sandy”.  We have family in New Jersey and the damage is so incomprehensible.  A number of our family and friends have homes “down the shore” that are no longer.  Fortunately they are all safe and accounted for.  We do have one aunt who is vacationing in Italy and will return to a home that is underwater.  There are no words to describe the sorrow in my heart for those who have to deal with the cleanup and devastation of this catastrophe.

New Jersey is where we spent our summer vacation this year – down on the boardwalk with family and friends.  To think that it no longer exists is heartbreaking. My children rode the rollercoaster down at Seaside Heights with their cousins…  My husband spent his childhood on the boardwalk with his family and friends.  He loves telling my children the stories of the things they did and the trouble they got into.  I am thankful that my children walked along that boardwalk with him and had a glimpse into his childhood memories.

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween.  It’s almost uneventful for me now, I only have one who goes Trick or Treating – it’s a little sad.  I made the majority of the kid’s costumes. I am not by any means a great seamstress but if you didn’t look too closely I did an okay job – nothing ever fell apart anyway.  I just don’t know where the time went – it didn’t seem to go that fast…

Break time for him and me.
I know it’s been a little bit since my last post but I gotta tell you, I’m pooped! This puppy has kept me so busy.  He still sleeps quite a bit but when he’s sleeping I’m doing all of my normal household chores so that I can pay attention to him when he’s awake.  I’m constantly making sure he’s not getting into things he’s not supposed to.  Potty training is slow going – once I think he’s got the hang of it, I'm proved wrong.  He knows he gets a treat when he does his business outside but he is still drawn to my carpet. 
Why is that?

I have hardly any knitting 
done and here it is November 1st.   
Here are progress pictures of my socks and my spaghetti sweater – not so impressive huh?



 Oh, one more thing did happen, I celebrated another birthday. You guessed it - 29 again.  I asked for a knitting chair for my room - a girl needs to have her own knitting chair in her room.  (Actually, the kids (my boys) monopolize the family room television and they manage to find the stupidest (pardon the language but that is how I feel) things to watch and I just can’t sit through it).  We shopped around and finally found my perfect chair.  I look at it longingly every time I see it, I haven’t had much opportunity to sit or knit in it.
Still shiny & new from little use.

Stay safe and happy knitting!


P.S. Majorie bought the watermelon yarn from Abi Grasso (knitpurlgurl) Her etsy site is: - She custom dyes the yarn to order - typically 3 weeks +/-.

1 comment:

  1. It's so very hard to see the devastation on the news - so hard to even try to wrap our heads around the loss that so many feel. (p.s. - happy belated birthday and enjoy your new chair!)
