Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Welcome to 2013!

I have some very exciting news to share with you!  Back in early December we received word that After This Row will be in the upcoming Spring Issue of Creative Knitting!  You can find us under the "This Just In" section.  We are so very delighted, grateful and very honored to part of this wonderful magazine.

I’m a little late ringing in the New Year with you.  Do you know I still don’t have all of my Christmas decorations put away yet. I actually, still have some things above my kitchen cabinets – I just haven’t felt like jumping up there to retrieve them.  Next month my plan is to get into the basement to go through all of my Christmas decorations, decisions of what to keep and what not to needs to be addressed.  I love Christmas but how much stuff does one household need? Except for the snowmen – they can all stay.

What are you knitting, something for yourself or someone else?   I have a couple of each, the Spaghetti sweater for my sister-in-law is still a work in progress – I am nearing the end though.  I have just picked up the stitches for one of the sleeves.  I will admit I set this sweater aside for a bit because I’m fearful I’m going to run out of yarn. I believe I can get both sleeves done with what I have left but it’s unlikely that I’ll have enough for the front band.   I did purchase this yarn from Knit Picks so I know I can get more yarn – it’s the dye lot I may not be able to get.  I just have to make that phone call and I’ve been putting it off – I know it’s silly to do that because the longer I wait the likelihood of them having it lessens.  I am definitely calling them tomorrow.

A while back I also began a cute little shrug from Cascade Yarns for myself.  
A few changes to the pattern and colors were made, with help from Linda and Betsy at Elgin Knit Works, my local yarn shop. It’s a fun knit and I think it’s turning out very cute.  This is not one of my social knitting projects though; I don’t want to take a chance of messing up my color work.  I really like this style; it’s perfect for keeping the chill off!

I’m also still working on a few gifts – Sunglasses Socks.  Have you made one of these?  I made one for myself last year and I love it.  It is absolutely perfect for your sunglasses and it is a great way to use up left over sock yarn, which I happen to have a lot of.  

Mine made over from left over yarn from socks made for my miece.
Gift in progress - you may recognize the yarn from a pair of Christmas Socks.

They are also very easily spotted in your handbag!

I very much enjoy making shawls and I mentioned in my last post that I was going to participate in the Knit-A-Long with Paula Emons-Fuessle of Knitting Pipeline (knittingpipeline.com or you can find her group on Ravelry).  The project was the sweet Ellison Bay Shawl designed by Paula herself.   I am happy to report that I have completed the shawl and it turned out so nice.  I also have to tell you that the Chickadee yarn from Quince & Co. (Quinceandco.com) is dreamy to work with.  My stitches look so nice and uniform.  I highly recommend it.   All I have left to do is blocking.

Just getting started

This truly was a delightful shawl to knit, once I got started I didn't want to stop.

Also, Thank You to all of you who downloaded the complimentary copy of the Ellison Bay “After This Row Project Sheet” and for all the kind notes and messages you sent.  I truly appreciate your feedback and I’m delighted that you enjoyed using it to keep track of your rows while knitting this lovely shawl.  It is still available on the website but, only for a few more days.

Elgin Knit Works is having a shop Knit-A-Long.  The featured pattern is “Taiga” by Svetlana Volkova.  It’s a short sleeve cardigan style sweater with color work.  It’s very cute!  I’ve decided to knit mine in Cascade 128 in similar colors (green and purple). I'm excited to get started on it - first I need to make my gauge swatch! 

Happy Knitting! 



  1. Congratulations on the magazine inclusion! I love your sunglasses sock - my husband could use one of those for his (they bounce around in the car and get all scratched and then he complains mightily until he gets new ones and then it's just a 'rinse and repeat').

  2. Do you know where I can find the pattern for the sunglasses sock? Would love to make a few for friends. Thanks.
